Sunday, May 11, 2008

I can see the benefit of delicious and particularly of library thing. However i am getting confused and frustrated by all the email addresses and account names and passwords...and not enough time to really look into the programs and familiarise myself with them. I can see that they are great but the time constraints are too much. I doubt that I will finish the course.

I to add the link to my delicious account because I couldn't follow any more instructions!!! Information overload!!!!

1 comment:

ITnitwit said...

I love your title "The Mind Bloggles". Yes, the course does have elements of information overload but at least you get to sample a lot of things and can go back to the most interesting and relevant things later. You have finished the longest units so I think you will be able to finish the course. Mashups and answer boards are quite fun and much quicker to get through than the unit. Good luck from Itnitwit